Saffron contains powerful natural chemicals designed to alter moods, kill cancer cells, decrease swelling, and act like antioxidants. It can take 75,000 saffron blossoms to produce a single pound of saffron spice
Saffron is largely cultivated in Iran and harvested by hand. It's one of the world's most expensive spices. We spared no expense! Using saffron as a building block to design a powerful herbal and natural solution to improve vision and eye health care for our clients. The herbs we use for our new eye care product "I SEE YOU" seeks out damaged cells and heals along the way. And we love it more because Saffron contains antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective properties, which may help improve eye health and slow down the progression of macular degeneration. Imagine that!
Dorothy Cox Tinctures agrees with Journal of Translational Medicine (known for publishing articles about clinical sciences). Subsequently we developed “Q” to help manage progressive diseases of the Central Nervous System.
This incredible root is like the PHD of herbs. It fights inflammation, strengthens the immune system, increases sperm count and motility, protects against cancer, is a natural antimicrobial, good for skin, supports digestive health, linked to brain health, may help reduce blood cholesterol levels, fights respiratory ailments and boost cardiac health.
Most women consider the gift of birth a miracle from God. Now with more than 2.40% of men living with Fibromyalgia syndrome fertility nearly exist in the shadows of hope. We care about you too. And that is why we designed Ballerina & Samson!
We use organic herbs because we value the life of our clients and cannot consciously feed people anything we would not consume ourselves. For example, when we designed “Ballerina we had to be sure about the herbs we selected were 100% organic!
Because the non-organic herbs contain chemicals like, AZOXYSTROBIN, FLUDIOXONL, MAZALL, THAIABENDAZOLE, and Imazalil just to name a few. Such chemicals can destroy and cause a multiplicity of known cancers.
Ballerina and Hercules tinctures and refreshing drinks are designed to improve reproductive health in both male and female; increase sperm motility and fight fibroids, ovarian cancer and other reproductive diseases. In addition we are exploring the root causes of endometriosis to determine the efficacy in this area.
Help the world achieve optimal health
Our bodies are intelligent living organisms that are very good at repairing themselves. Our brain is the chief Maestro that orchestrates every cell to use methods that aides the body's natural ability to perform the perfect task it was created to accomplish without failure! The herbs you see above provides necessary nutrients to keep our bodies healthy while the organs inside us perform matchlessly!
Can you name a few of the herbs in the containers above?
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